Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oct 23- Guam SDA Clinic Fun Run

Although we haven't been running regularly, we participated in the clinic's fundraising race- a 5K. Max finished in about 27:00 and Kristi in about 28:00. She placed 3rd in her age category (which was unexpected). There was a turnout of about 700 people! Good times.

Oct 21- Max's first hair cut on Guam

The big deal is that Kristi cut his hair, not a certified hair dresser!

Our place

Here are some pics of our apartment (feels more like a house).We live on the 2nd floor. The balcony is facing the ocean but you can only barely see the water due to the trees.
 Below the balcony is a 2 car (if you park nose to tail) carport, stairs coming up and curving around. The porch wraps all the way around but the front is the widest area. Toby is enjoying being outside in this pic.
 This is looking down the driveway toward the road and ocean. There's another house between us and the road.
When you come in the front door, the living room is on your left, kitchen and dining room on the right and straight ahead is a hallway that leads to the bedrooms. There were 2 extra couches and the bookshelves left at the apartment, so we put them to good use!

 One of Max's friends in Ukiah made us the quilt!

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 16 - Blue Hole and The Crevice

Dove the blue hole and the crevice in the same day!

Self-portrait, waiting for Kristi to clear her ears

From the bottom of the blue hole.  Gordon is at the top saying hi

Saw a whitetip reef shark too!

Kay, Gordon, and Kristi ready to descend into the crevice

There was a strong current, so everyone was hanging onto the line for their safety stops/deco.

October 15 - Mount Jumullong Manglo

Sabbath afternoon hike up to "Mount Lam Lam."

Nice view of AWR

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October 2- AWR Beach Day and Dog Leg Reef Dive

Celebration for Brook's (the head engineer) 25+ years of service to AWR and the other employees' service.

 Ready to go drag-snorkeling on Gordon and Kay's boat....
  ..... but we instead opted for a dive!
By the way, we're wearing our new gear! Thanks mom and dad!
 Looking into a sponge

 Yellow Tang escorted by Sargeant Fish

 Trumpet Fish
 Green Sea Turtle- yay!