Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Oct 23- Guam SDA Clinic Fun Run

Although we haven't been running regularly, we participated in the clinic's fundraising race- a 5K. Max finished in about 27:00 and Kristi in about 28:00. She placed 3rd in her age category (which was unexpected). There was a turnout of about 700 people! Good times.


  1. Glad you both could get out and run-that is fun, then Kristi you placed!

  2. Well after having trouble posting-again, maybe my problem is I have to sign out of Sonya's then sign into yours? Doesn't make much sence, I should be able to be signed into several at once. Well it worked this time anyway

  3. That's interesting my post came through to you at your time-and I remembered you are now 15 hours ahead.
