Sunday, December 4, 2011


We had a busy Thanksgiving.  It started out at 4:15 when we got up to run the Turkey trot, a four mile run put on by the Guam Running Club each year.  It was different because the starting time was staggered and the faster runners started later.  The first ten finishers were rewarded with a turkey.  I think Kristi finished 11th, but we were glad not to get a turkey.  After the run we were able to do something that most people can't do on Thanksgiving day: go diving in nice warm water!  We joined a big group for a shore dive in the harbor.  It was different diving with so many people, but it was fun.  Here everyone is getting ready to go.

Trying to take a group shot with everyone kicking up the sand wasn't such a great idea.

After the dive we drove to AWR and had lunch at the Garner's.

Our contribution to the meal

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