Checking out the new slew switch
Installing the slew switch frame
Gordon attaching the feeldines
The slew switch controls took Karl and I awhile to get working
Ready to go on the air
Parking lot is getting emptier
Everything changes when we shift our perspective to God’s. His focus is on our mustard seed of faith.. not our mountain of doubt. He realizes all that we are.. not all that we are not. He sees all that we have.. not all that we lack. - Kim Meeder
Praise God-paperwork done, goverment stamp of approval, Guam's 2 "drier" months, many hands working together, big equipment, small tools, prayers, tons of cement, miles of wires, overtime, changes, frustration, lots of hard, sweaty work, sucess. May God richly bless your efforts in bringing thousands into a relationship with Him.