Saturday, July 7, 2012

Fun on the tower

We worked on tower 5 this week putting up new conduit and power wires.  The boats in the background were probably looking for dolphins.  The color in the first picture is different because I accidentally still had the camera in underwater mode.


Karl at the top

The truck and tractor look small from up here

Antenna 4

Here you can see all the buildings on campus - two houses and the main building


Rain over Agat

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Eye clinic

I finally got around to taking pics of the clinic where I work. Below is my exam room.

 The waiting area and optical

 View out my door, there are 6 regular exam rooms and several other extra testing rooms.
 The front of the clinic. The medical and dental are on the left side of the building and the eye clinic is on the right.
 Behind the building are about 8 homes that some of the Providers live in.

June 23- Sella Bay hike

This bay is very near our house. It's about a 45 minute hike down. One of the other optometrists and her husband were able to join us for this one.

An old Spanish bridge

A tiny goby

June 9-16 Adriaan visiting

Adriaan, a friend from Oregon, was able to visit us over 2 weekends. He went to Palau during the week to dive. We had fun taking him around the island and on two of the best dives here - the Blue Hole and the Tokai and Cormoran wreck dive. We also hiked up (almost) to Mt Lam Lam. Fun times!
Toby went in for a drink, tried to turn around, and got stuck
(don't worry, we didn't leave him there)

We got a bit lost. It didn't turn out as good, but the next pic I snapped was Adriaan and Max pointing different directions! But we made it out before the sun went down.

View of the southern mountains
The Blue Hole (that's Gordon)
Adriaan by the hole
Kay checking out the fish

The wreck dive. This was a lot of fun
Juvenile yellow boxfish

We also hiked on AWR property
Like Max's sock tan?!